Thursday, 2 August 2007

BBQ City... oh how we love thee

Last night, BBQ City goodness was had... mmm, such yummy food! It's gotten to the stage where we don't even have to look at the menu, we just order the faves... but who can go past those nummy green beans with salted olives... *drools all over the keyboard, short circuits it and has to explain to the IT Dept what happened*

Anyway, cos I'm such a lovely friend, I documented the experience for our London pal, Miss Vanessa. She is feeling the BBQ City blues most intensely. Vanessa, this is for you!

See the rest of the photos at Picasa!


Wood said...

I'm going to cry. Cry I tell you.

Wood said...

Oh, and you got my birthday wrong - I'm insulted!!!

Kylie G said...

I went to BBQ city too - nur nur nur!
But Vanessa, you have LONDON! That does not compare.