The digital revolution is becoming grander all the time. I'm kind of scared by its progression, actually. Imagine what it's going to be like in 20 years... I still remember playing
Granny's Garden on the ooooollllllddddd computers back in primary school. Now, however, you can do so much with your computer it's not funny. Well, maybe it is. Just a little. Okay, a lot. I'm constantly amazed by all the new stuff I'm discovering!
I've just been perusing a site called
twitter. It allows you to update people on your movements via your mobile, instant message or vial their website. Really, it would make mass stalking so easy! :) Or just report on people's really inane lives - I mean, do I need to know that someone's bus was just 20 mins late and they are pissed off about it? That's the quality you can expect, people!
It's two weeks exactly until I leave for the big adventure! So exciting! Today, I am

purchasing an iPod with my ill gotten gains (well, my voucher from work for putting up with AET for five years. It's been... interesting, but hey, I get a voucher out of it!) I'm planning on getting the 80mb you beaut iPod... it will hold a billion songs, a million tv shows and a trillion photos. Well, maybe not that many, but still, quite a few! It will be beautiful and black, much like the picture on the side there... mainly because it's a picture of a black iPod. Still, I will be able to play play play, listen to my awesome music choices, watch tv during the five hour layover in Singapore, and ultimately get it stolen in Italy by gypsies (true story... although it was a wallet, not an iPod, and it didn't happen to me, but someone else... so really, so not relevant)
And there you have it. My whinge about technology really isn't worth a passel of slightly salty salt-substitute (ground, not rock) if I can get so exciting about an iPod!
1 comment:
Hey - Twitter - I know. What is that? I don't really get it. I joined up at the computer conference, and I still don't really understand the point of it. Perhaps it will catch on. Right now I'm still recovering from the distruction of my facebook. I tried to verify it with my mobile number, which is still linked to the old one, so I can't do it! Grrrr. Stupid technology. It's a love hate thing. Ok this is really too long for a comment. Byeee.
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