Thursday, 2 August 2007

The arrival of a calendar... and a digital revolution

For your viewing pleasure, I've managed to figure out, using all the little bits and pieces of my brain, how to put Google calendar on my blog! You should see it on the toolbar to the right... hopefully. So now you can check out where I'm supposed to be each day I'm away and if I'm not there, you can so point your finger and accuse me of lying! Think of the fun and frivolity inherent in that!

On to the digital revolution. Am I the only one who hasn't really heard of Facebook? Apparently it is all that and a packet of chips. Better than MySpace! Better than those awesome Magnolia Cupcakes! Just... Better!! Anyway, I had a bit of a squiz around but I must be the most unsocial geek (is that an oxymoron?) out there cos I can't see the attraction. I mean, I'll join up (pshaw, as if I wouldn't!) but I just can't see myself using it. Of course, I could be completely wrong and I'll be on there constantly, so much so that I'll be all gross and pale (well, paler) from lack of sun, my nails will grow all long and skanky and a weird smell with eminate from me, which I will so blame on the dog (not that I have a dog - note to self, purchase a dog).

I've also been informed of del.i.cious (I think that's how it's spelt), which is a bookmarking system for you browser that connects you to other people who have also bookmarked the site. You can then peruse their other bookmarks and see if there's a site you've never heard of on there concerning the same subject. It sounds great for researching purposes! And to prove just how far behind the times I am, I went on for my daily checkup and found that you can link the site to all of these bookmarking things, including del.i.cious, which I'd only heard of last night.

Seriously. I feel old. Stupid digital revolution.

UPDATE: Told you I'd sign up...hmm, I don't think you can see it unless you are a member. Well, that's sucky!

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