Friday, 7 September 2007

Old people have made me sick

Hello all! The Globus tour is almost all over and as a lovely parting gift, the old people on the bus have coughed and spluttered and passed on their goodness to yours truly. Oh joy. Thank the lord I got that medical travel pack! The antibiotics have headed it off at the pass and hopefully I'll be all better by the time Contiki rocks around.

So, what's been happening, I hear you ask?? Why, the Isle adventures, as I have now dubbed this second! First off, Isle of Skye which was so back of beyond! Still, fun times were had, although I was viciously attacked by midges, small mosquito-like insects that are tres annoying. We went to another castle (who would have thought you could get sick of them?), Dunvegan, which had lovely gardens. We then had an optional excursion to Eilean Donon Castle which is where they filmed part of Highlander! Very very exciting. Not that I realised this, of course. No, a postcard had to tell me. But still, thanks postcard! I got lots of shots of the castle (cos, you know, I didn't have enough) and we also had a drink of our choice at a local pub. I, of course, went top shelf. One GlenFidditch whisky later, it was back on the bus for dinner and beddy byes.

The next day we drove to the Isle of Mull which was again very long. Highlight was seeing the train bridge thing from the Harry Potter films! Our hotel in Craignure on Mull was awesome though, and I had the best dinner! For entree, there were these mushrooms in sauce which were amazing!

The following day, it was off to the Isle of Iona, which is famous for it's religious significance. I, being the heathen that I am, had never heard of it. Again, pretty cathedral/castle like qualities, but the thing that intrigued me most was the mist! It was everywhere and so lovely. Took photos of that, of course! Had another lovely dinner, this time a ratatouille like thing with polenta (you would have loved it, Jon) and a beautiful berry cake thing... oh hang on, the cake was the night before! Whoops! Oh, and I forget the best optional excursion! We went to Torosay Castle and was shown around by the Laird, the guy who lives there. It was awesome to have the personal touch, with his family history and him explaining the gardens and portraits and the like. Very nice!

Today, more driving to Glasgow. Nothing too exciting, except I finally had Orkney Ice Cream and it was delish! We are staying in the ritziest hotel yet... I feel like quite the interloper in my crappy jeans and jumper, with my backpack and my travel pillow hanging from said backpack ;p

Tonight is the farewell dinner and then it's me in the big city of Glasgow by myself before travelling to York on Saturday. I'll try and post some photos on the net tomorrow!

Hope everyone is well and would love to hear from you!


Kylie G said...

Hi Cass, your Isle adventures sound fab, sorry to hear about the sickie, I hope you recover in time for contiki goodness. Enjoy your free time in Glasgow!
Looking forward to more piccies.
K x

Mum & Dad said...

Hi Cass
Hope its only a very small "old people" dose and your young fighting powers will win through.
Great to hear your accommodation has been of great splendour.Keep on top of the floating germs and we really look forward to more of your "arty farty" photos.
Lots of Love and KissesXXXXX
Your Mother and FatherxxxOOOxxx