Sunday, 2 September 2007

Greetings from Ullapool!

Hello all and sundry! I am writing from the bookshop in the little fishing village of Ullapool on the western coast of Scotland. Have had an aweseme time in the Orkneies and we are now on our way to the Isle of Skye.

Yesterday, we visited Skara Brae which was extremely awesome! I took way too many photos of the same thing, but hey, I love that place! It was so awesome to see someplace 5000 years old and it's still there. I didn't get a photo of me touching such an old structure, but we did pass the Ring of Brogdar (I think that's what it was!) and that was completely awesome (oh, and I got a photo of me touching it!) It's super cool cos you can actually go up to it and walk amongst the stones and everything! I even got a photo of me being blown away by the wind cos it was super blowy.

So today it's driving driving driving. Thank god for chewing gum cos it seems to have miraculously cured me of car sickness! Of course, today I'm sitting towards the middle of the bus so that's gotta help too!

Anyhoo, have to go as my time's about to run out on the 'net. Will post more (and more photos) when I get the chance!¬


Mum & Dad said...

Hi Cass
Great that you are really enjoying your travels - great also that no 'chunda' - that could be very ugly and not to mention embarrasing
Keep 'clicking' and we will look forward to the next exciting instalment
Luv Mum and Dad xxxx

Spot said...

call me crazy, but have you seen Waitress? Is it just me or does Mal look strange in pants without suspenders?

Spot said...

call me crazy, but have you seen Waitress? Is it just me or does Mal look strange in pants without suspenders?

Kylie G said...

Hi Cass, great to hear from you and that you're having a blast. Live it up!