Okay, so what's happened since last we met? well, i have been up and down oxford st (LOTS of people), have arrived in Glasgow, joined my tour (old, old people, my friends. gotta love the American retiree... boy do they know how to complain - and yes, i appreciate the irony of my complaining about complainers!), run around glasgow, lost my umbrella, bought a new umbrella (love that £1 shop!), finally found a raincoat, had dinner and drinks with the old people, went for a walk, next day got on the bus, drove to robert burns memorial park thingy (does anyone know what he wrote? was it the poem anne of green gables was obsessed about?), went to gretna green, was unimpressed by the commercial nature of it all, then on to carlisle castle, then to the hotel, took awesome photos of this massive train bridge, had dinner, tried to ignore the noise from the wedding that was holding a reception in the hotel (it was very loud - and the band was terrible!), next day hadrian's wall, back into scotland, abbotsford house which was the home of Sir Walter Scott (knew some of his stuff!), then on to Edinburgh!
Last night, the fringe was still on so managed to get tix for half-price (bonus!) to a show. It was a bellydancing thing, which was actually quite good! enjoyed the dancing, and the monologues were good too (it was diaries from cairo, or something like that).
Today, we had a sightseeing tour of Edinburgh which took us to where Sir Arthur Conan Doyle lived, where the guy who developed Chloroform for medicinal use lived, and the two castles. Edinburgh Castle was awesome, and it's built into the volcanic rock mountain... stunning! Holyrood Palace is still used by the royal family and is a much more recent addition to the city.
It's amazing how gothic this city is. All the architecture seems to

Oh, and I've gotten my photos to work! Check em out at Picasa!