What? It's not different from the usual quality of my blogging. Heh.
Okay, what to write? I could tell you all about my latest obsessions. It's unhealthy to get so immersed in a fictional world. But at least I'm not to the extent where I actually think about how fictional characters would react in the real world. Well, at least, not those characters that I haven't made up.
I really like this paranormal romance series called "The Black Dagger Brotherhood" by J R Ward. I am hanging for the next book of the series to

Now, as a writer myself, I can pick up on the threads that author weave in order to suggest certain plot outlines. I can usually pick who is going to end up with who, and where a certain storyline is going to go, and why someone is going to die as opposed to why they aren't. I'm sure most of you have heard my speeches on the subject at some point or another. But it amazes me when people can't see what is so freaking obvious to my eyes. Of course, then, am I being pig-headed and stubborn in thinking that I'm right, they're obviously wrong, so how stupid are they? I guess it's like the whole Angel vs Spike thing in Buffy... who is she ultimately going to end up with? Some say Spike, some say Angel... but who knows? (actually, we do know... I think it was very clear in Chosen that Buffy was simply not ready for a permanent adult relationship with Angel and thus, she needed more time... whereas with Spike, it was all about the now, with Angel it's about the forever - hey, that was kinda poetic! - ... plus, Joss so said/implied - can't remember which! - it was Angel on the commentary!)
And to go off on a tangent, which sort of ties in with the Buffy reference, there's another series with a book coming out today where there is a "love triangle" and the whole who will she end up with thing happening. Now, it's obvious to me that the chick will end up with one guy (who she's not eve

So there's some pointless rambling, kids. Hope you enjoyed the little wander into the abyss that is my mind. This is what I think about at work. Sad, isn't it?? :)
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