Monday, 3 December 2007

And now for something completely different...

I went in to the kitchen at work today to have my usual plunger coffee, opened the freezer door to take out my beautiful, STOREBOUGHT (ie, I had to pay for it, people) ground coffee to discover that someone had helped themselves. To my coffee! And not just a little, oh no, they had taken most of the jar. I was peeved, people, very peeved. In fact, so angry I had to break the glorious continuity of the travel blog with this update. So, this person, or persons, has not only perpetuated one grevious crime but two. TWO! Whoever they are, I curse them and the fleas that infest their armpits.

*mumbles angrily into the distance*


Kylie G said...

Wow, they have no idea what they've just started. It's ON people!

annie said...

It was me! Bwwwhahahahah!
I crept steathily (like Angel) past your security downstairs, then pulled myself up by the cables in the lift shaft (being careful not to get squashed by the lift) and then crawled through the airconditioning ducts (quack) and then dropped into the kitchen via the ceiling vent and used my laser fingerprint scanner (Tandy $19.95) to ensure the coffee I was planning to steal was indeed yours, and then... well... I STOLE IT. Bwwwhahahah. I am the most evil genius in the world.

Of course, I did it all for research!