Saturday, 10 November 2007

Soon the water will be going the right way...

Well, here I am, pretty much back where it all started! Singapore airport, waiting for my flight back to dear old Adelaide. You know how they say (this mythical they... seriously, who are they??) you get back and don't feel like you have had a holiday? Well, its already kicking in! I was on the plane, doing my thing, and I could have sworn I was never in the UK, never did Contiki, none of it happened.... weird. :)

Anyway, promise there will be the big update when I get home! I'll fill you guys in on all the awesome adventures an d the thousands of photos (who thinks I'm kidding??) This blog is super short cos the computer I'musing completly sucks. If you're extremely lucky (and I get really bored here!) I might give it another bash! But until then, au revoir! (see , so did go to france... didn't I?)


1 comment:

Mum & Dad said...

Hi Cassie
What water don't you know we are having a very big drought - ha ha
Looking fwd to seeing you and the almighty big update - hugs all around
Luv Dad and Mum