Monday, 22 October 2007

Contiki is no more...

Ah, it's so good to be back in the UK! Yay for signs written in English, for people who I can (kinda) understand when they talk to me, and for seeing Vanessa. Woohoo!

So Contiki is all over red rover. Ohhhhh. It was a blast, but I'm so glad to be off the touring whirlwind. Yay for beds and sleeping in til 9am, showers where you don't have to wear your brand new Havianas (heh, expensive thongs... so worth it!), vegetables and all that other small stuff that you don't think about but you so miss when it's gone! Although I do have a good collection of toiletries in other languages...

So what else has happened since last I posted? Um, I can't really remember! Last time we chatted, I was in Vienna, which was awesome! I had the best coffee ever at Cafe Central, where Freud used to hang out (seriously, best coffee ever... it was heaven in a cup. I had a little private moment to myself and didn't even flinch at the 4€ it cost!) and then we were on our way to, um, Munich? Yes, Munich!

Oh, how to describe the excitement, the wonder, of seeing... the Glockenspiel. It was so super exciting, I am def going back to Munich to experience it a third, no, make that fourth time. Maybe I'll spend the rest of my trip there so I won't miss one second of Glockenspiel madness. It's like a big cuckoo clock... how could you not want to enjoy such fun? Heh.

Okay, the beerhall in Munich was more fun. But not by much. I was actually disappointed by the Contiki beerhall, which didn't look at all like how I pictured a beerhall to look. But still, they had the one litre steins, which were super fun to drink!

After beery fun times, we were on our way to Switzerland and Jungfrau mountain. It was beautiful driving through the countryside and it was great when we go there! Oh, and we passed through Lichtenstein, which took about five seconds! Heh. Anyway, we got to our campsite, which had communal bathrooms (oh yes, running to the bathroom at 3am when it was about 3degrees outside... fun!) and were all revved up for the trip up the mountain the next day!

I'm going to leave you there, people, hanging for tales of my adventures. Maybe next time, I'll even remember to bring my travel diary with me so I actually remember what happened... :)



Kylie G said...

Hi Cass, back to the mother country :) I really missed a good cuppa tea while traveling, and England provided the goods! Say hi to Tish and Vanessa. I hope you ladies have fun in the UK.
The dwindling gang met for dinner on Fri night and you were sorely missed. We had fun tho - Kel even picked a dish that wasn't served raw! Sorry, no pics.
Take care, count down to Cass' imminent return to reality is on!

Anonymous said...

I think we should all take amoment to relish in the fact Kel picked something good...who cares about global warming???TP

Mum & Dad said...

Dear Cass
It was great to read the update of your exciting 'memories' and that you miss those smaller things in life and we guess also the not so small things. Any way it is raining as we write here in Oz, after a week-end of up to 35C. "GREAT"
ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY being in the one place for a week - thanks to Vanessa.

Luv and huggies
Mum and Dad xxooxxoo

Anonymous said...

Yeah yeah - go me! I had the pork. Kylie chose the pork first and then almost changed her choice of culinary delight because I had also picked it. Fun times were had by all, although we showed how nannery we all are by going home at about 10pm. Ahhh ... Kel