Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Because Anne DEMANDS IT!!!!

Hello all,

I am madly trying to book the rest of my trip, which has had a slight hiccup because of sporting events in Cardiff (damn sport!). But Anne has demanded an update and so here it is!

I am currently in Stratford-Upon-Avon, having booked myself in to see Henry V at the Courtyard Theatre and staying the cutest B&B! I have a pink room! It's awesome! Have just been in the Lakes District, which was beautiful! wish I could have spent more time there, but alas and alack, it wasn't to be. I also stayed at one of the best hostels I've been to, so fun times!

Have also just visited Vic & Nick in Manchester. Manchester was... interesting. There really doesn't seem much to do there. Although, fun to see Vic & Nick, so yay Manchester! I guess if you're not into the soccer, it's really just a big town with some cool shops (I'm loving Primark and H&M!)

Okay, the internet shop is about to close so I'm going to have to leave it there. Will try to update as soon as I can!



Mum & Dad said...

Hi Cassie
Did you see any rabbits (by the name of Peter) in the Lakes District????
Keep on with the ENJOY
Love Mum and Dad

annie said...

Well... I have to say it's not as juicy nor anywhere near as informative as your other blogs but... I guess it'll have to do.

I just hope your stalking abilities are better than your recent blogging efforts!!!!

Seriously, glad you liked the Lakes District (I was born there!) and the B&B sounds delightful! Pink is sooo YOU!

Anne - the impatient one

Kylie G said...

Hey there Cass lady, long time no write. I've been consoled by your lovely postcards (another one arrived yesterday!), so it's all good.
What's that you say? Did I hear you ask how many assignmenets I have left to finish?
Ahem. Miss you lots.
Kylie xxx