Wednesday, 13 June 2007

The best lunch break eva!

So, what do you do when your shoulders are killing you and you have an hour to kill? Wander past the Chinese massage store and pop in for a quick rub! I've passed by a little hole in the wall masseur for about six months now and today, I decided to take the plunge. My wordy lordy, am I ever glad I did! I actually feel mostly relaxed, instead of ready-to-tear-peoples-eyes-out tense (I'm a violent child, I admit it). I had my shoulders and neck massaged and it was feeling pretty darn good. PLUS, I have a sneaking suspicion it can all be claimed back on my health insurance. Bwahahahahaha!

I am such an evil genius.

And I've just realised how extremely boring this post is. My wordy, I am almost putting myself to sleep... Um, how can I make it more interesting?? Oh wait, I don't have to worry. By the time you read this, I'll be out of the country and won't hear your groans of "what trite crap has she written now?" Aha! Back to the bwahahhahahahaha!

1 comment:

annie said...

Wow - did you really do the massage thing? You are my hero. I need one but I'm not brave like you.