Wednesday, 19 March 2008

As good as a holiday

I've made the switch, people. Check out my new blog (which is just this blog at a different address)

I won't be updating this one again, so if you want cass gold, you know now where to look!

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Sweaty update

Okay, should have posted this on Friday, but meh. Still applicable!

Revisions - have done quite well. Am up to Chapter 5 out of 16
Wicked - Dismal... only worked on one scene and still don't know what's happening
Sister Anne - Really well. This one has fired my imagination and I've been typing typing typing. It's all slowly coming together.

All up, I've done about 8000 words for the week. A little less than my goal of 10,000, but not too shabby. Yay me!

Frustrations that really don't mean that much...

I was watching the latest episode of Lost and yet again, there was a gold moment that demonstrated my frustration with that show. A weird-arse, totally mindblowing concept was introduced to the characters on the show, a bit of a "What the?" moment which should have quickly escalated to a "What the f*ck?? What?? You are so totally blowing my mind. What do you mean, detail in miniature!" BTW, this is how the characters should have reacted.

However, did the characters force more answers out of the person who made the earth-shattering pronouncment? No, of course not. And why? Was there an explosion? (If there was, they still should have question the guy later) Was there an appearance by that black smoke monster thing? (If there was, see above) No, there was nothing. There was... *gasp* cut to an ad break.

Yeah, writers? Just like to let you know that that is extremely lazy writing. You want to keep your audience in the dark? Don't have your characters act contrary to how real people would. They end up looking dumb, and horrors of horrors, UNREALISTIC. There are a million different ways to keep the audience in the dark. You could, I don't know, have an explosion? An appearance by the smoke monster? Or maybe have your shifty character who just revealed this tidbit refuse to say anymore, thereby keeping the audience in the dark AND demonstrating that the character is scared, or untrustworthy, or stupid, or arrogant, or a hundred differnt things.

Stupid show. And yet, I keep watching. Cos the rest of the episode was fricking awesome. When they do it right, it's pretty darn good. Plus, I love me a bit of Desmond.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008


I have the same birthday as Ian Flemming, he of James Bond fame. Who knew?

Torturing myself has become a past time

So, stupidly, I decided to sign up for 70 Days of Sweat, which isn't as gross as it sounds. It's an encouragement group for writers, to write a full novel in, wait for it, 70 days! I thought, as I had finished Toby in about 90 days, I might be able to manage another book in the time frame alotted. Huh. Why do I do this to myself? Why??

I think it must be my dark and tortured childhood. Seriously. Ask my mum about the plum incident. It's shocking.

Anyway, I have committed to finishing the rewrites for Toby, writing the sequel and now, in my head not on actual paper, I've decided to write another story that hopefully will be offered as a free e-book. We'll see. It's a rewrite of an old story I did in Uni as a take on the bluebeard legend. I do love me a bit of that story.

So now, if I go a bit of the crazy, you will know why.