Monday, 21 January 2008

Would you want your kids to frolic here?

For months, the park at the corner of Grenfell Street and Pultney Street has been fenced off while the pixies did their magic to the grounds inside (seriously, they were pixies... there were no workmen to be seen anywhere). There were grand plans, landscaping, a new playground was announced (on a busy corner where there is heaps of traffic, and yet no one thought of incorporating a fence... but I digress). The new playground has now been unveiled, as you can see from these pictures:

At least there actually is a kid playing on these... I have no idea what to call them. Seriously, who designed these? They're not exactly kid friendly... and they're boring as well. What happened to bright colours? Everyone loves bright colours.

Oh well. Adelaide is mysterious and weird. We'll just leave it at that.

Monday, 7 January 2008

The Airconditioning Conspiracy...

I am hot. So very hot. It is stuffy and gross and it's going to be a million degrees on Wednesday. Why am I complaining, do you ask? Could it be that I have lost my marbles (no way - they have so melted in the heat)? Could it be that I am just a nitpicker, and in fact it is a very comfortbale temperature and I'm complaining cos I feel like it (well, kind of)? Or could it be that the air conditioning in my work building does not work properly and hasn't for about a week now. Open a window, I hear you cry. Great! I would love to! Unfortunately, we have those windows that don't open. Yes, the wonders of the modern office building. Awesome. So I am sitting here, slowly dying from the stuffiness and the heat and dreading Wednesday. If it's this bad on a day when the top temperature will be 29 degrees celsius, I can only imagine in horror what it will be like when the temp is 41. Well, I guess I've always wanted to work in a sauna... oh wait, no I haven't!

In other news, I have a fringe. It is tres exciting.