The yummy nummy Chinese custard bun has again made its way into my culinary experience. After experiencing the phenomena at Yum Cha (an experience in itself... little plates of fried goodness - and chicken feet. Who eats chicken feet? Is there even any meat on them? In which case, who eats bone? Can you even eat bone? Questions for the ages indeed). Anyway, after experiencing them, I fell a little bit in love, but promptly forgot about their sweet goodness. Until the other weekend at the markets.
There is a little shop that sells lots of different kinds of chinese buns and the custard one figures prominantly! So, I purchased one. My wordy, it was as good as I remembered! Crunchy custard on the top, improbably yellow custard inside, surrounded by the softest, sweetest bun eva. Awesome fun dessert times! I would def recommend to all you bun lovers out there. So now I am hooked on the things and must purchase every time I am at the markets. I wonder if London will have anything to compare... I'm sure Vanessa has already done the recon for me...
In other news, Torchwood has arrived on Oz tv. While the first episode was not all that and a bag of chips, Ep 2 has restored my faith in Russell T Davies (not that I rea

Still, fun times with the television shows. You gotta love it when you are excited about watching something. The download revolution is quickly changing how we are watching television, so it's nice to find something that, while I'd love to have all the episodes to watch all at once, I am hanging out every week to watch and find out what is happening! Plus, I KNOW that it hasn't been cancelled and, in fact, has been given a second season. Maybe my curse is finally broken! Or, American TV execs are the devil's spawn and don't know what they are doing. Either or.