Thursday, 19 April 2007

Posting pics is fun...

I am super bored at work, so I thought I would mess around with my blog for a bit. It never hurts to use your time productively. Anyhoo, here's me discovering how to load photos onto my blog...
Okay, finally got my pictures to work. Who knew you had to wait overnight for them to load up on the system? That' s just crazy.

So this first one is my grand attempt at art. Grand, is it not?
It's fantastic when you are standing at the bus stop, wondering what to do with yourself as you wait for the bus to take you to work... that glorious, glorious institution and you think, I shall take a photo of power lines.
Don't pretend you don't love it.

You gotta love a bit of pig action. Everyone loves a bit of pig action. I would tell you the pig's name, but for the life of me I can't remember what it is. I'm going to go with Horace, though. He looks like a Horace, doesn't he?

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Forcefeeding a TravellerCass

I have eaten too much. A common occurance, I fear. I start eating and then continue, the signal between my stomach and brain telling me "stop! you're full! what are you doing?? Stop, I say!!" getting lost somewhere in between (I think those signals might all be turning right instead of left at Alburqeque). Consequently, I now have a very full belly and droopy eyelids. But it could have been worse. Much worse. After consuming my yummy Wok in a Box (It's a wok! In a box!), I thought it would be a grand idea to purchase a doughnut. Thank the lord, my stomach signals finally negotiated that tough Alburqeque terrain and caught up to my brain, tell me "NO! You are full! Leave that doughnut in the store!" Which I did. Yay for me!

Marvel people. This is the level of gold you can expect. Grand, no?

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

A blog is born

I have joined the revolution. Blogspot has lured me in and I now have my very own blog, ready for the big trip in August! This is where you'll find all the exciting and marvellous things that happen to me overseas... well, not actually here. I would imagine you would kind of have to be there for that. However, I will do my very best to keep you entertained with my many adventures via this beautiful medium. And you know what? It's payback time! For every person who has sent me an email from overseas, suffer! My time has come!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!